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Minnesota Second Amendment Lawyer Lynne Torgerson wins NICs Denial Appeal Against FBI

Minnesota Second Amendment Attorney Lynne Torgerson won a NICs denial, also known as a NICs Appeal, against the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI.  Under federal law, the FBI/Department of Justice is charged with administering the NICs background checks that are conducted when a person purchases a firearm at a gun dealer, such as Fleet Farm, a gun range, Scheel’s, etc.  Ms. Torgerson’s client had attempted to purchase a firearm.  The FBI issued a denial, alleging that her client was a prohibited person.  Ms. Torgerson conducted legal research, and discovered her client was legal, and the FBI NICs denial was wrongful.  A NICs appeal was taken, with Ms. Torgerson arguing that her client was actually legal under recent case law and change of law, and submitting legal authority.  The FBI reversed its own decision, and Ms. Torgerson won the NICs denial on behalf of her client.  Well done Ms. Torgerson. 

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